Archer’s Butcher Block
Meat Market and
Archer’s Custom Meat Cutting
5425 Mother Lode Drive,Placerville
New Business Hours
**Archer’s Butcher Meat Market** Phone: 530-626-6328
Online Ordering Now Available!!!
**Archer’s Bacon**Archer’s Jerky**
** Archer’s Smoked Pork Chops **
Unfortunately, Archer’s Butcher Block is sad to announce, we will not be reopening our retail meat market. But we are excited to be able to offer our Bacon, Smoked Pork Chops & Jerky available for sale through online and phone orders. (We are currently working on our website to except online orders, until that is up and running please call 530-626-6328 for help placing your order.)
**Archer’s Custom Meat Cutting** Phone: 530-622-0379
** Archer’s Ranch Butchering ** Phone: 530-333-0374
Archer’s Ranch Butchering and Archer’s Custom Meat Cutting will both continue processing your livestock and wild game as usual.
However, we will be open for pickups and drop offs by appointment only.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support.